
We have the best friends.  I am sappy today, because we really do.  I think G and I are pretty easy to get along with, we are super casual, we are easy going, our kids are well behaved (most of the time).  We seem to be closest with people just like us.  What is most fantastic, our friends are effortless.

Flash to yesterday.  I decided to clean the garage after picking up the kids from their care spot.  As I am shoving things around, one of our besties pulls up in her mini, she was dropping something off to a friend down the street.  After a quick chat, we decided to do an impromptu family dinner at our place.  It was a school night, and all four of the adults work full time.  Now, this is totally horn tooting, but it is my damn blog and I can toot away.  In about 30 minutes time, we planned a pretty fantastic menu of grilled pork chops, porcini polenta, asparagus and green beans.  We put together an amazing cheese and charcuterie plate to start.  Even the wines were paired.  The kids were thrilled with pizza, strawberries and cookies plus tons of outdoor fun.  There was little effort put out by any one person.  We all just took a little part and did it while chatting about upcoming fun. I know some people are completely incapable of putting together a home cooked dinner for just themselves, on any night.

What was so awesome about last night, it was so easy because we have such incredible friends.  We always have a great time: at home, on the town, at kid events, at school!  So cheers to our friends for being ours!  Couldn’t ask for much more.

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