
I know it is sort of 90s early 00s cuisine, but I love risotto.  It is the perfect combination of a starch (that can even be gluten free), fat, veg, and protein.  The problem is, my husband has never liked it.  He has always had not-so-great versions of it.  Having sort of given up gluten for the most part, I have had to get creative with what to pair meat and veg with.  So recently, I bought a box of risotto and made it by the instructions, served it with a filet of beef and grilled asparagus – G went bonkers for it.  He didn’t even ask where the bread was, because I made the risotto with parmesan, butter and garlic.  It was so creamy and delicious, he swore that I had added cream to it.

With this new door of exploration open, I have been dabbling here and there with risotto.  Earlier this week, I make this simple grilled chicken over roasted tomato and mozzarella risotto.  We ate every last bite, and it was so very easy to do.  Even better, most every ingredient I already had on hand.

Loosely:  I marinaded the chicken with olive oil, garlic, italian seasoning, salt and pepper for about an hour prior to simply grilling it.  I cut the breasts in half, almost like palliards, so they weren’t so bulky and they cooked faster.  I roasted grape tomatoes covered in olive oil in the oven for 40 minutes at 400.  I sauteed a ton of spinach on the stove top until barely wilted.  And of course I cooked the risotto to the directions, adding white wine for the first liquid dump (instead of chicken stock) after toasting the rice in olive oil.  When it was al dente, I added in the roasted tomatoes, sauteed spinach and blobs of mozzarella (the small ball ones) and folded it together.  G grilled the chicken, we sliced and served it over the risotto.  I topped the whole dish with a little parmesan cheese, some chopped parsley and basil, and a drizzle of olive oil.  It truly looked like a restaurant dish, and tasted so much better.  G was floored at how good it was, he even asked for it to be put into rotation.  WHAT!

dear blog…

I have ignored my sweet blog that I actually pay to produce.  I love to blog!  But a few things do get in the way when I sit down and start to write.  This blog is public, meaning anyone can read it.  Why does that matter?  Well, what I do for a living can’t be written about, that would be wrong on so many levels. In the past I would show pictures of my home, talk about my neighborhood, use my children’s actual names, because those that were allowed access to read my blog were hand selected friends and family members.  I am cautious now.  Guarded.  And that’s tough for me.  If you know me personally, I am private to those I don’t know well and completely transparent to those I do.  It makes writing a chore, just a little bit.  So I am working on it, and am going to just go for it.  Mainly because literally no one reads this blog, and hardly anyone knows it even exists.  So, from this point forward, minus a few things, I will be me.  No more hesitation.  If it pisses you off, so be it. And at this point, there isn’t even a “you” to piss off!  How about that?!?